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Marty G.T. General Tools

2015/6/3      view:

    Marty G.T. General Tools was founded in1978, in Turin, the capital of the Italian automotive industry: resin-dispensingsystems is the core business of G.T. General Tools. 

    In 1987, G.T. General Tools made the first machine in the world with continuous degassing system to avoid the degassing process in the tanksbefore the start of production.
    The partnership Marty–General Tools started in 2003 to produce automatic dispensing lines.
    After three years of partnership the experiences and the designs G.T. General Tools have amalgamated in MARTY to form a concern in the lead in machines
for proportioning, mixing and dosing two component resins.
    Nowadays MARTY is one of the world’s leading suppliers of equipment for applying insulating resins to the wind stators of electric motors, generators and alternators, transformers.

        MISSION : to be an extension of your technical resources.

    Our company philosophy, lead us to consider that what is necessary for the customer becomes our need; the result is adaptability and flexibility of our products, so that your new plant will be modelled to meet your productionsrequirements.
    We listen to your requirements and provide solutions using Marty’s many years of experience of supplying high quality, flexible and reliable equipment.

    Thanks to the purchase of new CNC machine, Marty succeeds in realizing in-home all the mechanical components of his own fittings, guaranteeing therefore a ready answer also for the exchanges service and assistance.